Thursday, February 27, 2020

Wind Turbine Design and Construction Lab Report

Wind Turbine Design and Construction - Lab Report Example In its very basic nature, the wind turbine consists of the rotating blades, a component that points the turbine to the wind, a system to convert the mechanical rotation of the blades into other forms of energy, the control system, as well as the start and stop mechanisms. There are two main wind turbine designs, the horizontal axis and the vertical axis designs (Spera, 2009). Specifications of the Wind Device For this project, the horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) is considered. The horizontal axis machine is preferred due to the fact that less cost is incurred in the foundation (as a fraction of the total cost) of the structure compared to its vertical axis counterpart (Veritas, 2001). This essentially makes HAWT cheaper in cost. The design is also preferred since it does not need to be pointed at the wind direction especially where the wind direction varies almost constantly. The wind turbine is expected to operate at room temperatures (between -200C to 400C). Operating beyond these temperatures may cause the wind turbine generator to work inefficiently or cause structural damage. Furthermore, at extremely low temperatures, the generator may need external power to internal heating. The wind turbine should be ale to work efficiently at different wind speeds and directions. Very high wind speeds (beyond the survival speed) often lead to wind turbine damages according to Veritas (2001). In order to reduce the speed of rotation, a mechanical (disc) braking system will be used. The design will take into consideration the three modes of operation of the turbine; beyond rated speed, around rated speed and below rated speed operations. In order to ensure that the wind turbine operates efficiently at different wind directions, a wind vane will be fitted at the rear of the devices. The vane which also forms the tail of the wind turbine is made of a thin steel plate welded to a slender metal strip. Steel is suitable for its strength and low cost. According to past studies, the mass of a wind turbine for the survivable wind speed is best proportional to the blade length cubed (Stiesdal, 1998). The square of the blade length is also proportional to the power of the wind tha t is intercepted by the turbine (Stiesdal, 1998). The Rotor Unit As a matter of fact, the most visible and most vital part of the wind turbine is the bladed rotor. The rotor is the part that transforms wind energy into mechanical energy. This energy in turn causes the rotation of the turbine’s main shaft. The turbine blade is designed in such a way as to allow the streamlined flow of wind, the material at best remaining inflexible. Considering this need, the blades will be made of steel sheets. The thickness, twist and width of the blade is a compromise between the need for strength and for the streamline flow of wind (Stiesdal, 1998). Considering that the more the number of blades the greater the aerodynamic efficiency but with reducing return, the turbine to be constructed will have three blades. The transmission system The transmission system of the wind turbines acts as the link between the rotor system and the generator. The transmission system of the wind turbine is bas ically presented in the following figure. Fig. Transmission system The hub is made of cast iron. The complicated shape of the hub makes casting the most appropriate method for its production according to Stiesdal (1998). The material for the hub is cast iron, the material’s desirable property being its high resistance to fatigue. For such a small turbine, normal cast iron, although the material is fragile and may fracture if exposed to extreme blasts. Fig: The Wind turbine hub The main shaft of the wind turbine is commonly made of hardened steel that is tempered. For this project, hardened steel will

Monday, February 10, 2020

Benito Mussolini and Italian Fascism Research Paper

Benito Mussolini and Italian Fascism - Research Paper Example His beliefs in socialism began when he fled to Switzerland, for purposes of escaping being drafted into the army. However, in 1904, Benito Mussolini returned to Italy, and decided to serve in the army, in return of being pardoned. It is important to understand that after his service in the army, Mussolini became an editor of various socialist newspapers in Italy, advocating for the principles of socialism. During the First World War, as an editor of socialist newspaper, Benito Mussolini strongly advocated for neutrality. However, after accepting a series of bribes, notably from the French, Mussolini advocated for Italy to support the cause of the allied forces. Deakin (2000) denotes that Italy made a poor judgment in the war, and this made the country to experience an economic downturn, leading to massive loss of jobs, inflation, strikes, riots, etc. Mussolini took advantage of this chaos, and built a nationalist party referred to as Fasci di Cambattimento. This party was named after the Italian revolutionaries of the 19th century. This party, commonly referred to as the Fascist party of Italy strongly advocated for Italian nationalism, and it used violence and intimidation against its opponents to advocate for its ideals. It is important to denote that while intimidating its opponents, the Fascist party claimed that it was crushing the violence and riots that were taking place in Italy during the time (Painter, 2000). This made Mussolini to have the respect of King Emmanuel the 3rd who later on invited him to form a government. It is important to understand that it was the Fascist party that was promoting anarchy, through its violence activities targeted at opposition parties. On this basis, the King misjudged Benito Mussolini, and his party, the Fascist Party. Deakin (2000) denotes that the Fascist party appealed to the war veterans, and this is because it advocated for the protection